Examples of Docker Compose Config

Docker Compose YML of Golang yml config file version: '3.9' networks: shared: external: name: local-bridge-net...

17 minute read

Notes of Json Web Token (JWT)

What is JSON Web Token? JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519)...

14 minute read

OOP: Extends VS Implements

OOP: Extends VS Implements (OverView) A struct in golang can be compared to a class...

15 minute read

Go Notes of the Function With Examples (8)

Introduction Go supports first class functions, higher-order functions, user-defined function types, function literals, closures, and...

7 minute read

Go Notes of OOP Inheritance (6)

OOP: Inheritance in GOLANG Overview We will try to explain inheritance in GO using comparisons...

10 minute read

Go Notes of Basic Data Types (5)

Basic Data Types Overview Golang is statically typed programming language meaning that each variable has...

6 minute read

Go Notes of Context Package (4)

Context Defination Context is a package provided by GO. Let’s first understand some problems that...

12 minute read

Go Notes of Environment and Configuration

Golang Environment Configuration I know that in my previous post, mocking API’s in Golang, I said I would talk about testing, but I lied. ...

15 minute read


前言:由于现在直播很火,新加入的公司打算做直播功能,之前没接触于是先去看了下主流第三方平台的SDK,想看下哪个平台的更好一些。 ...

33 minute read

Frequent Used Regex that You May Need

Note:Regular Expression can be used in Content Filter conditions. Regular Expressions can be extremely ...

27 minute read