Go Notes of Factory Design Pattern (7)
Go Notes of Factory Design Pattern

Go Notes of Factory Design Pattern (7)

2020, Nov 30    

Factory Design Pattern in GOLANG


Factory design pattern is a creational design pattern and it is also one of the most commonly used pattern. This pattern provides a way to hide the creation logic of the instances being created.

The client only interacts with a factory struct and tells the kind of instances that needs to be created. The factory class interacts with the corresponding concrete structs and returns the correct instance back.

In below example:

  • We have iGun interface which defines all methods a gun should have

  • There is gun struct that implements the iGun interface.

  • Two concrete guns ak47 and maverick. Both embed gun struct and hence also indirectly implement all methods of iGun and hence are of iGun type

  • We have a gunFactory struct which creates the gun of type ak47 or maverick.

  • The main.go acts as a client and instead of directly interacting with ak47 or maverick, it relies on gunFactory to create instances of ak47 and maverick

UML Diagram:

UML Diagram of Gun Example

Below is the corresponding mapping UML diagram with the example given above

mMapping UML Diagram of Gun Example


The below table represents the mapping from the UML diagram actors to actual implementation actors in “Example” below

ProductFactory gunFactory.go
iProduct iGun.go
Product gun.go
Concrete iProduct 1 ak47go
Concrete iProduct 1 maverick.go
Client main.go



package main

type iGun interface {
    setName(name string)
    setPower(power int)
    getName() string
    getPower() int


package main

type gun struct {
    name  string
    power int

func (g *gun) setName(name string) {
    g.name = name

func (g *gun) getName() string {
    return g.name

func (g *gun) setPower(power int) {
    g.power = power

func (g *gun) getPower() int {
    return g.power


package main

type ak47 struct {

func newAk47() iGun {
    return &ak47{
        gun: gun{
            name:  "AK47 gun",
            power: 4,


package main

type maverick struct {

func newMaverick() iGun {
    return &maverick{
        gun: gun{
            name:  "Maverick gun",
            power: 5,


package main

import "fmt"

func getGun(gunType string) (iGun, error) {
    if gunType == "ak47" {
        return newAk47(), nil
    if gunType == "maverick" {
        return newMaverick(), nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wrong gun type passed")


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    ak47, _ := getGun("ak47")
    maverick, _ := getGun("maverick")

func printDetails(g iGun) {
    fmt.Printf("Gun: %s", g.getName())
    fmt.Printf("Power: %d", g.getPower())

Full Working Code

package main

import "fmt"

type iGun interface {
    setName(name string)
    setPower(power int)
    getName() string
    getPower() int

type gun struct {
    name  string
    power int

func (g *gun) setName(name string) {
    g.name = name

func (g *gun) getName() string {
    return g.name

func (g *gun) setPower(power int) {
    g.power = power

func (g *gun) getPower() int {
    return g.power

type ak47 struct {

func newAk47() iGun {
    return &ak47{
        gun: gun{
            name:  "AK47 gun",
            power: 4,

type maverick struct {

func newMaverick() iGun {
    return &maverick{
        gun: gun{
            name:  "Maverick gun",
            power: 5,

func getGun(gunType string) (iGun, error) {
    if gunType == "ak47" {
        return newAk47(), nil
    if gunType == "maverick" {
        return newMaverick(), nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wrong gun type passed")

func main() {
    ak47, _ := getGun("ak47")
    maverick, _ := getGun("maverick")

func printDetails(g iGun) {
    fmt.Printf("Gun: %s", g.getName())
    fmt.Printf("Power: %d", g.getPower())